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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.

Adam Coach / Husband / Dad

Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.

Cat Athlete / Coach / Wife / Mom

Your daily updates truly help guide my mind back to where I need and want to be.

Sarah Sales Manager / Wife / Mom


10 Essential Mindsets for Competitors.

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Read Past Daily Disciplines

The two paths to failure and stay off them.

You get on the path to failure in two ways:

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7-Day Challenge: Will you accept?

You have thousands of choices ahead of you this week. Each choice aimed at something. Each guided by something.

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The 3 Laws of Behavior

What do Newton's Three Laws of Motion tell us about behavior?Quick refresher:

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What does physics have to do with behavior?

My dad was no scientist, but he loved to discuss physics. He taught me to see physics in the world and its consequences. He showed me what happens when we obey physics and when we violate it. Most of all, he taught me to understand physics, to trust them, and to use them for excellence.

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Resistance can’t stop the TRUTH

Truth is not immune to experiencing friction, disruption, and resistance. The closer you get to truth, the more friction you will feel and resistance you will face.

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How do you break through brick walls?

If you strike a brick wall one time with a hammer, you will chip that brick.

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Weak leadership is obvious. Here’s why . . .

Now you know the difference between a leader and a non-leader. It’s simple enough: if you want to be a leader, take responsibility for more than yourself. Leadership styles, strategies, and tactics vary, but that fundamental doesn’t.

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Non-Leaders vs. Leaders: What’s the difference?

Anyone can lead. Not everyone can lead equally well, or lead the same types of people, or lead to the same achievements. But anyone can lead.The problem is few choose to lead.

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