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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.

Adam Coach / Husband / Dad

Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.

Cat Coach / Husband / Dad

Your daily updates truly help guide my mind back to where I need and want to be.

Sarah Sales Manager / Wife / Mom


10 Essential Mindsets for Competitors.

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Read Past Daily Disciplines

Learn your personal reasons for procrastination

When you procrastinate, it is not because you struggle with taking action. You engage in plenty of actions all the time. You eat, drink, move, talk, drive, go to work, turn on the TV, make dinner, and plenty of other actions. No, you do not struggle taking action.

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Pay full price for fulfillment

You cannot steal excellence or fulfillment. You have to pay for them.

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Look Within, Look Back, & Look Ahead

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, a day for looking within, looking back, and looking ahead.

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No BS Empathy: 10 Concrete Techniques

You can apply any of these at any time. Just one will help, but applying all of them will transform your relationships.

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Never trigger someone’s defensivness again!

While you cannot stop someone else from getting defensive, you can give them less to get defensive about. Because we all know that telling someone they are being defensive makes them more defensive. And someone with that behavior pattern is unlikely to change on their own.Behavior patterns in...

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Your defensiveness is a real problem

Tomorrow, I will give you insights into how to disarm and minimize people's defensiveness. You cannot control whether someone else gets defensive. You can control how you interact and communicate with people to reduce their chances of getting defensive and disarm defensiveness when it shows up.

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Why do people get defensive so fast?

I find it sad and alarming how rarely people hear their thoughts, feelings, and needs accurately expressed back to them by someone who has listened and understood.

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We suck at empathy and the reason is obvious.

Another reason we resist giving empathy is because we rarely receive it. We sometimes withhold it for an intentional reason, such as spite, revenge, or anger. I take no pleasure in highlighting that, but we do.

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Smash the Empathy Accelerator

Empathy is an unbelievably simple act. All it requires is full focus on the other person. Concentrate on their message, their feelings, their needs, not yours.

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