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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.

Adam Coach / Husband / Dad

Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.

Cat Athlete / Coach / Wife / Mom

Your daily updates truly help guide my mind back to where I need and want to be.

Sarah Sales Manager / Wife / Mom


10 Essential Mindsets for Competitors.

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Read Past Daily Disciplines

Don’t be cheap. Pay full price.

Everything has a cost.Nothing valuable is free.

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Extremes drive success, not averages

One skill can generate millions of dollars. One discipline can transform your health and save your life. One priority can provide a lifetime of joy, excitement, or peace. All it takes is one.

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I have the question. You have the answer.

I have a question for you,  and I need your answer.

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One life-changing mindset shift

It's not in your self-interest to hide from tension. No matter how long you avoid it, you never escape it. You don't need to search for tension, either. It will find you and present itself. So, why do people seem intent on creating tension where it doesn't exist?

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Your life suffers by avoiding tension

Life is full of tension. Clashing interests and priorities. Conflicting feelings and opinions. Opposing standards and strategies.

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Avoid these and disaster follows.

Observe the four elements of truth, emotion, action, and responsibility across the landscape of your life. They are always present, always involved, in everything you do.

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Love a good checklist!

I love a good system. And when it’s relevant, I love having a checklist I can use to work through it.

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Never feel “stuck” again

A doctor must locate the source of the issue before they can prescribe an effective treatment. A pilot must find the source of the issue before they can securely stabilize a malfunctioning aircraft. You must identify the source of your issue before you can get yourself out of an ineffective...

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Emotional impulses: friend or enemy?

It would be ideal if every impulse you felt served your best interest. But impulses don’t work like that.

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