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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.

Adam Coach / Husband / Dad

Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.

Cat Athlete / Coach / Wife / Mom

Your daily updates truly help guide my mind back to where I need and want to be.

Sarah Sales Manager / Wife / Mom


10 Essential Mindsets for Competitors.

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Read Past Daily Disciplines

Weak leadership is obvious. Here’s why . . .

Now you know the difference between a leader and a non-leader. It’s simple enough: if you want to be a leader, take responsibility for more than yourself. Leadership styles, strategies, and tactics vary, but that fundamental doesn’t.

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Non-Leaders vs. Leaders: What’s the difference?

Anyone can lead. Not everyone can lead equally well, or lead the same types of people, or lead to the same achievements. But anyone can lead.The problem is few choose to lead.

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Timely & Urgent Leadership Warning

Just because someone occupies a role doesn’t make them qualified for it, and just because someone has a job doesn't mean they're good at it.

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Society will collapse without these skills.

The world runs according to human behavior. Society relies on it. Business depends on it. People succeed or fail because of it.

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Before complexity burns you to the ground

After thousands of years, you'd think we'd have more clarity. You'd think we've learned enough to filter out unnecessary, unproductive complexity. You'd think we'd have less of what doesn't work and more of what does in every corner of life.

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Speed to improvement

The best I am capable of now and the best I can become is not free of mistakes.

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A rubber band *SNAP* to the forehead

Think back on your life. Imagine making one change to anything from your past that would have significantly affected your future: a decision, a moment, an action, an event. Anything.

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Change more. Worry less. No stress.

Context, circumstances, and information change. Because of that, I will change my views and actions as appropriate. I expect this to be a constant throughout my life because things will change around me.

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