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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.

Adam Coach / Husband / Dad

Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.

Cat Coach / Husband / Dad

Your daily updates truly help guide my mind back to where I need and want to be.

Sarah Sales Manager / Wife / Mom


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Read Past Daily Disciplines

Destiny is not a Delivery Service

I found myself thinking about destiny last week. Not my own destiny but destiny itself. Is destiny real and worth paying attention to? It is real and deserves your attention, but people misinterpret what it is and how it works.

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4 Hidden Conflicts That Shape Your Life

It’s not the experience of conflict that shapes your life but how you resolve it. Not all conflict is created equal, though. Some matter more than others. Here are four camouflaged conflicts that shape your life.

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Resolve (don’t resist) conflict

Life is resolving conflict. Not avoiding it. Not hiding from it. Not eliminating it. Resolving it.

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What you want to be true

We rarely recognize how often we want something to be true, and we realize even less how much that desire—wanting a certain thing to be true—affects our attitudes, opinions, and emotions.

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The Purpose of Discipline: 15 Reasons

You do not need a reason to chase pleasure and avoid pain. It's biologically natural, involuntary, and self-justifying. You moved away from pain and toward pleasure before you could think.

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Is discipline worth it? You decide.

Discipline takes work. That is not a secret. It not only takes work to get better — it takes work to be disciplined at all.

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The moment has arrived.

Each moment is an opportunity. An opportunity to engage and experience, progress and learn, create and contribute, share and receive.

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Delayed flights are no big deal.

E+R=O is simple yet applicable and flexible in any situation. Twenty-six years into my journey, I have come to rely on and love one particular nuance of its simplicity.

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The stories you tell yourself

Since your past is gone, you can no longer take part in it. You can only tell stories about it, primarily to yourself. Since your future is not here yet, you cannot experience it. All you can do is imagine it, again, mostly to yourself.

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