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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.
Adam Coach / Husband / Dad
Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.
Cat Coach / Husband / Dad
Your daily updates truly help guide my mind back to where I need and want to be.
Sarah Sales Manager / Wife / Mom
10 Essential Mindsets for Competitors.
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Read Past Daily Disciplines

What are you feeding yourself?
We are not the first society to be overstimulated and undisciplined. We are only the most recent.

Does excellence require expertise?
Yesterday, I highlighted that the demand for excellence always exceeds the supply. And I encouraged you to supply it. People will notice and reward it.

Demand is high, but supply is low.
The demand for excellence is always higher than the supply.

Attack the Day!
We can think about so many things that steal energy from today. But today is the most important day of your life. Use today. Maximize today. Attack the day.

Competitors create discomfort on purpose.
Some people want security. Others want rewards. Some want comfort. Others want acceptance. Competitors want a challenge. They want a worthy struggle that demands focus and skill.

When lions become sheep
A competitor will power through discomfort if it brings them closer to their goal. But every competitor is still human. While their appetite for discomfort is higher, flavor and serving size matter.

E+R=O: Your response to discomfort reveals all
The fastest way to discover who is a player and who is a competitor is by putting them into discomfort. A competitor will lean into it. A player will back away. But why?

Lean into discomfort or away?
We’ve learned how players and competitors think about fun and effort. Competitors need to work hard to have fun. Players need fun to work hard. But how else are they different?