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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.

Adam Coach / Husband / Dad

Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.

Cat Coach / Husband / Dad

Your daily updates truly help guide my mind back to where I need and want to be.

Sarah Sales Manager / Wife / Mom


10 Essential Mindsets for Competitors.

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Read Past Daily Disciplines

Initiate, Enhance, Accelerate, & Adjust

The first role of discipline I introduced this week (The Primary Role) is to shape your thoughts, decisions, and actions. You already do these every day. This role gives discipline a presence and influence on the three primary factors determining your quality of life.

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Become a force to reckon with

Discipline is an internal force you use to direct what you do, what you don’t, and how.

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Discipline as “The Great Simplifier”

This next role of discipline is so simple but really powerful and my personal favorite. I use discipline in this Simplifier Role more than any other.

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Will you let discipline do its job?

The first role of discipline I introduced yesterday is to influence how you think, decide, and act. I consider this discipline’s primary role.

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Exploring the roles of discipline

I invest a lot of effort into creating ways to help people embrace discipline. I know what the power of discipline does for people’s lives, and I see the damage done by resisting it. I’ve discovered that the biggest barrier to discipline is not discipline itself but how people perceive it.

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Discomfort + Default = Disaster

Perspectives and feelings about discomfort vary but are always strong. They’re layered with enough complexity of thought and emotion that the easiest decision to make is to do what feels comfortable and not do what feels uncomfortable.

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Dive under the surface of discomfort

On the surface, discomfort all feels the same. But under the surface of every discomfort is a bigger purpose.

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Find the message in the noise.

Discomfort is a signal, but you must understand what kind of signal it is.

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Red Light! Green Light!

Emotions are signals—raw impulsive cues urging you to do something. Every emotions carries a message, a cue to act. We cannot control these signals. We control what we do with these signals.

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